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The retraced API

The retraced API comprises all publicly enabled options to make machine-to-machine changes in the retraced platform: The retraced dashboard uses the same endpoints, but also in addition more. If you wish to use the API of the dashboard, it is possible but not versioned cleanly like the public API.


The API is versioned using semantic-release rendering numbers like x.y.z (to be read like major.minor.patch). The major version indicates breaking changes, the minor version non-breaking feature changes or additions, and the patch version internal non-breaking adjustments for internal CI/CD and devops purposes.

External identifier

This API does support being called with your custom identifier (like a SAP ERP ID, Infor Syteline ID).


The authentication procedure is passwordless. You have to request the access code with a registered email. You will receive within 2 minutes or email with the code to submit again. On successful submission, you will get an access token and refresh token. All calls are authenticated with the access token. Further information on the flow on the specific /auth endpoints.